Aftercare  following a Plasma treatment is straightforward and mostly common sense.
If you pay for an incredible treatment yet willfully ignore the strict instructions your technician will fully brief you on – perhaps by choosing to go in a sunbed or the ocean the next day – you will clearly imperil the outcome. Any  rare complications or effects will not be caused by the device (and  unlikely by the technician either) but more likely because an existing  contraindication or medical issue was not revealed and/or because a  client fails to comply with their aftercare management plan. Deferred aftercare and/or aftercare with incorrect products are often the chief culprits where a negative aspect of any kind occurs.
  1. After the treatment you may feel a burning sensation, this will usually disappear during the remainder of the day.  -If it is particularly uncomfortable or persists then anti-inflammatory medication can be taken.

  2. The formation of brown/black crusts on the skin surface will occur.

    • Do not pick pick them – these crusts will fall off in a few days

    • For the first night or two, if you have had a facial treatment, you may wish to sleep on your back to avoid brushing your face on your pillow. Silk, Satin or bamboo pillow cases are reccommeded.

  3. You may have some swelling after a treatment which is completely normal, especially around the eyes, this may last for a few days.
    -Ice packs or a cold compress can be used to help soothe and reduce swelling.  If swelling is more severe an anti-inflammatory or anti-histamine can be used to help alleviate the symptoms.

  4. Keep your scabs/crusts hydrated consistently by applying organic aloe-vera up to three times per day.
    -This will provide relief from any tendency to itch and expedite the healing process

  5. The area treated must not be covered with plasters, occlusive dressing or any type of make-up, mascara, creams or any other product until the area has fully healed (except specific products we recommend).

  6. It is highly unlikely you will ever get an infection from a Plasma treatment as the wound we cause isn’t open. -However, with any skin rejuvenation treatment, we are not in control of what you do when you leave and you should be aware that the first 12 hours is always the period of risk for you to get any kind of infection so please avoid activities where you could get dirty or overly sweaty.
    -We recommend not exercising straight after a treatment because any heat, steam or sweat could add to the inflammation that’s already present.

  7. Sometimes the treated area may become a little weepy (moist: springy; exuding moisture; oozy; seepy) following the treatment, this is normal and is part of the natural heeling process in some areas and will improve with time.
    -If however the area starts to become inflammed if there is any pus present, then please contact the clinic for advice as this may suggest an infection has developed.

  8. It is essential to keep the treatment area clean & dry through out the first 3 days.

    -Do not use alcohol based cleansers.

  9. After flaking, consider the use of topical anti-oxidants to fight sun damage such as a Vitamin C serum.
    -The use of citrus juice, aloe vera and soy are cited by some as good ingredients for preventing hyperpigmentation.


  11. Men should avoid shaving over any area that has been treated until the skin has fully healed

    1. Once healed, you must use factor 50 sunscreen when out and about for at least 12 weeks and you should avoid sunbeds and sunbathing